Wednesday, January 15, 2014

From Rookie to Pro Hockey Mom

Special thanks to hockey coach/mom/author Melissa Walsh for sending me a copy of her great book. Well done! Melissa takes moms by the glove to glide them through the youth hockey years.  The Rookie Hockey Mom is packed with hockey history, tips and guidance that will turn you into a pro!

From the Pages of the Rookie Hockey Mom

How to Spot a True Hockey Mom ( Besides the Hockey Mom decal on her SUV)

* She giggles when she overhears other moms rant about how busy soccer is keeping them

* She boasted that she was able to do all her Santa gift shopping in one stop at the local hockey gear store* She knows that "headman" is a verb

* During a birthday party competition of pin-the-tail-on-the donkey, you overheard her desribe many of the six-year olds as,"Good, but lack focus." You also overheard her directing them,"Heads up."

*Though she hasn't been able to afford to buy herself a new winter jacket in three season, she defended her purchase of a $240 hockey stick by insisting, "The old one had no goals left in it."

* Her first-grader told his teacher that Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrating the first hockey tournament.

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