Friday, December 10, 2010

Hockey Fundraising. "Can" we do it?

Here we are, well into another hockey season.  Big on dreams.  Short on cash. We're all struggling for ways to come up with the dollars to fund those extras for our youth hockey players, and help defray those mighty tournament costs.  I 've done bottle and can drives several times in the past, but our lastest roundup of returnables was by far, the most successful one yet.  I would have to say timing really was everything. Our team leader picked the Sunday after Thanksgiving.  Brilliant!  Not only were neighbors eager to rid their garages of the big bags of emptied containers that had piled up after their Thanksgiving feasts, they were in a generous spirit as well.  Some folks, lacking the empty cans,  were kind enough to offer donations to the team. Ah, the Christmas spirit fresh in their hearts!

Tim also found a Redemption Center willing to give us 6 cents a can and take the extra step of setting up a collection trailer in a nearby parking lot. That made it a whole lot easier.  We filled our cars, headed to the lot,  filled up their trailer, then headed back out.  We made several trips, with the new water bottle law now in effect, we were filling our 30 gallon trash cans fairly quickly. 

    A couple of pointers if you're going this route, rather than the traditional product sales.  Having the kids wear their team jerseys was a plus.  It legitimizes the operation and certainly reinforces the team concept for the kids.  Before splitting up, and heading out,  the coach also huddled our youngsters for a pep and safety talk.  He hit all the important rules..... have an adult with you, walk up to a house in pairs, don't accept invitations to go into a house, no running ahead of the group and please don't run across lawns and knock over the holiday decorations.  Be good representatives of your organization.  We also divided the kids into offense and defense.  Offense took one side of the street.  Defense on the other.  We had fun, and we raised a nice chunk of change.  Drum roll please....$800.00!  Not bad for a couple of hours of work, that rewarded teamwork! 


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